other Highlights 1940 Rockefeller Center completed in New York marGareT bourke-wHITe/TIme & LIfe PIcTures/GeTTy ImaGes 1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor In 1945, Gannett Fleming designed and supervised construction of this chemical mortar shell manufacturing plant in Houston, which produced more than 300,000 shells per month. (Photo courtesy of Gannett Fleming) mPI/GeTTy ImaGes Mount Rushmore completed mPI/GeTTy ImaGes 1943 When it opened in 1947, the Maine Turnpike, designed by HNTB, was the first modern turnpike financed entirely through revenue bonds sold to private investors. (Photo courtesy of HNTB) The Pentagon opens The first 160-mile section of the Pennsylvania Turnpike opened to traffic in 1940. Michael Baker Corp. and Gannett Fleming provided important design services for this turnpike—referred to as “America’s First Superhighway.” (Photo courtesy of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission) mPI/GeTTy ImaGes ACEC Turns 100 MaRCh / apRIl 2009 ENGINEERING INC. 13