other Highlights 1955 Disneyland opens in California One of Ford Motor Company’s Detroit assembly plants, designed by a URS Corporation predecessor, helped modernize the automotive manufacturing industry. (Photo courtesy of URS Corp.) A map of the proposed U.S. Interstate Highway System, which President Dwight D. Eisenhower launched in 1956. (Photo courtesy of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) former President Herbert Hoover—the only professional engineer to hold the nation’s highest office. GeorGe Heyer/GeTTy ImaGes AICE President Scott Turner, right, presents the 1954 Award of Merit to Gene LesTer/GeTTy ImaGes 1957 Shippingport Atomic Power Station, the nation’s first commercial nuclear power plant, completed in Pennsylvania 1959 Guggenheim Museum opens in New York City ACEC Turns 100 MaRCh / apRIl 2009 ENGINEERING INC. 15