other Highlights 1962 TWA Airport Terminal at JFK Airport completed beTTmann/corbIs John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the Earth The Louis Berger Group designed this multipurpose Olympic stadium in Bangkok in 1967. (Photo courtesy of The Louis Berger Group) afP/afP/GeTTy ImaGes 1964 Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the world’s largest bridge-tunnel, completed Syska & Hennessy provided design services for New York City’s Madison Square Garden, which opened in 1968. (Photo courtesy of Syska Hennessy Group) davId boyer/GeTTy ImaGes 1969 Engineer Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon T.Y. Lin International’s Banco de America in Managua, Nicaragua, was one of only two Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc. designed all three Saturn V Mobile Launcher Umbilical Towers in the 1960s for the Apollo moon landing program. (Photo courtesy of RS&H) structures left standing after a 6.19-magnitude earthquake hit downtown Managua in 1972. (Photo courtesy of T.Y. Lin International) nasa/TIme LIfe PIcTures/GeTTy ImaGes ACEC Turns 100 MaRCh / apRIl 2009 ENGINEERING INC. 17