engineeringinc. march/april 2010 ● Vol. 21, No. 2 14 18 12 14 Features ANNuAL CoNvENtioN PrEviEw “New Recovery Agenda” at the Annual Convention in Washington, D.C. PuttiNg trANsPortAtioN dEsigN iN CoNtExt New philosophy makes “divisive” roadway projects more community-sensitive. sustAiNAbLE bim Modeling with an environmental conscience. 18 23 Cover Feature how to survivE thE dowN ECoNomY Strategies to help your business recover. thE CAsE For Qbs Study determines Qualifications-Based Selection method of procurement offers better costs and higher quality construction than “lowest bid.” Departments From ACEC to You Looking forward. 2 4 guEst CoLumN 26 28 AASHTO Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide: new solutions for an old problem. NEws ANd NotEs ACEC works with USAID on Haiti relief and reconstruction assistance; ACEC again honored in national media contest; engineers better than doctors and lawyers at turning income into wealth. iNsights From ACEC’s iNstitutE For busiNEss mANAgEmENt mArkEt wAtCh New market opportunities with wind power. 5 6 Why connecting is job No. 1 in business development; the first engineering expert witness; interpretation of indemnification—watchword and warning. LEgisLAtivE ACtioN mEmbErs iN thE NEws President’s focus on jobs, economy creates new openings; ACEC urges Senate to move beyond “shovel ready” in new jobs bill; ACEC opposes legislation that would expand frivolous lawsuits. Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) appoints George J. Pierson CEO; Lee A. McIntire elected chairman of CH2M HILL; TranSystems Corp. acquires Aegis Security Design. COVER PHOTO: C.J. BuRTOn Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.