FEATURES 14 THE DAVE RAYMOND LEGACY Twenty years as ACEC president/CEO, Raymond and Council members reflect on the Council's growth. 27 SECOND TIME AROUND ACEC/PAC exceeds $1 million funding objective for second consecutive year. 43 WORLDWIDE INNOVATION 14 Engineering excellence on display. 48 FAR COMPLIANCE STRATEGIES Conforming to complex federal agency contracting requirements. 27 48 53 ACROSS THE FEDERATION ACEC/West Virginia campaign scores $1.6 billion roadbuilding win. DEPARTMENTS 4 FROM ACEC TO YOU Progress on infrastructure. 6 MARKET WATCH Office construction put-in-place expected to moderate in coming years. 8 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Administration unveils $1.5 trillion infrastructure proposal. 57 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Giovenco named CEO of Bergmann Associates; Grigg named president and CEO of Fuss & O'Neill; SCI Engineering appointed Harms CEO and Harding president; Solomon named president and CEO of SAM, LLC. 60 BUSINESS INSIGHTS Structural engineering risk management program; 33 Proven Secrets to Writing Successful Client-Centered Proposals. 54 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Signs hint at robust deal-making in 2018. COVER: GARY LANDSMAN Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.