Jack Miller Derek Naiser Michael Nichols Sergio Pecori Lomes Petty Pamela Puckett Gary Raba Joseph Rapier Bennett Ratliff Walter Robohn JJ Roohms Scott Saenger Steven Skeele Vincent Sowa Steve Stagner Matthew Strong Mark Tomlinson John Wooley Ravi Yanamandal Anwar Zahid UTAH* Dorian Adams Hiram Alba David Alter Michael Arens Robert Babcock Craig Bagley Kirk Bagley Dale Bennett Norman Bennion William Bigelow Clayton Burningham Lee Cammack+ Tena Campbell Diego Carroll Thayne Clark Ryan Cole+ Michael Collins Brian Deeter Frederick Duberow Darren Eyre Cliff Forsgren Eric Franson Kevin Franson Rodolfo Garcia Andrew Gemperline Kim Harris Matthew Hirst+ James Horrocks Jonathan Howse David Jenkins Brent Jensen Robert Kesler Michael Lasko Jason Luettinger Dana Meier Chris Mikell Ronald Mortimer Leslie Morton Jon Oldham Trent Parkhill Kerry Ruebelmann Steve Shepherd Michael Smith Ken Spiers Lisa Tuck Lowell Williams Russell Youd VERMONT* Bradley Aldrich Brian Beaudoin Christopher Cole Brendan Cosgrove John Forcier Cory Frehsee Gregory Goyette Dale Gozalkowski Shawn Kelley Enda Melvin Jon Olin Gary Santy Richard Tetreault Jeffrey Tucker VIRGINIA* Donna Adams Ken Anderson Stephan Andrews Victor Angell Courtney Beamon Vince Benedetti Donald Booth+ C. Eric Burke Robert Burkholder Raymond DeStephen Paul Diggs Nate Dumas Gregory Ellen Samuel Estep Ahmad Faqiri Christine Fix TR Fluker Edward Fraher Bruce Frederick Michael Galli Matt Gough Tim Groover Steve Hall^ Heather Ham Randall Harris Julie Hartman Michael Heatwole Ronald Helton Nancy Israel Jared Jamison David Jones Augie Kahsar Greg Knopp+ Kevin Kokal Sandy Krevonick Charles Lamb Carolyn Langelotti Michael Lawless Steve Lefton+ Kevin Lewis Jeffrey Lighthiser+ Benjamin Lilly+ John Mann Andrew Matlock Craig Matthews Michael Matthews+ Mark McGuire Jessica Michael Adam Mickiewicz Timothy Mills Kenneth Moody Peter O'Hara U.S. Congressmen John Katko (R-N.Y.) (center left) and Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) (center right) with ACEC/New York President Jay Simson (left) and Mark McAnany, Bergmann Associates (right) at ACEC/N.Y.'s EEA Gala. Matthew Orensky John Ozmore Ken Piazza Chad Poultney Frances Railey Bruce Sadler Donald Sipher Murdock Snarr Ross Stevens Christopher Stone John Stuart Jenni Szabo Zachary Voris Nancy Walker Jason Wawrzyniak Janet Webster Mark White Michael Wiercinski Vernon Wildy MARCH / APRIL 2018 ENGINEERING INC. 41http://www.bqe.com/acec http://www.bqe.com/acec