Engineers Move America Washington Extravaganza is a Big Hit M ore than 800 ACEC members descended on Washington, D.C., in March for Consulting Congress Day, which also included the Federal Markets Conference and the Engineering Excellence Awards Gala. While these events coincided with the initiation of U.S. military conflict in Iraq, ACEC members believed as did the Congres- sional and Administration officials who participated that this powerful trio of events was too important to postpone. President George W. Bush agreed. In a letter read during the gala, Bush praised ACEC for the vital role engineers play in maintaining America's strength and prosperity. He also recog- nized two ACEC award-winning projects: The inspiring dedica- t i o n of the organizers of the Wo r l d Trade Center Disaster Response effort and the Phoenix Project to reconstruct the Penta- gon demonstrates the true spirit o f our country. I commend A C E C and the honorees for LLOYD WOLF/FOLIO INC your commitment and support to this important profession. See page 21 for the President's letter in its entirety. As in past years, the overall mood at both CCD and EEA was elec- tric an enthusiastic lobbying CABLE RISDON effort on business issues critical to ACEC, and a true celebration for award-winning engineers and Senator James Inhofe R-Okla , one of the prime movers behind TEA-21 reauthorization, addresses their clients. the more than 500 attendees to the 37th Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Gala. l June 2003 2 0 ENGINEERING INC. M a y