GRANDAWARDS ACEC 201 9 ENG I NE E R I N G EXCE L L E N C E AWA R DS ▲ Times Square Shuttle Station Reconstruction Study New York, New York WSP USA New York, New York Imaginative planning research has produced a solution to renovate one of New York City's largest and most congested subway stations. The Times Square Shuttle Station in Manhattan serves over 200,000 passengers daily, but its configuration has long been known to create passenger confusion and congestion, while its curved track alignment results in large platform gaps that preclude this key station from being Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. The project team proposed reconfiguring the station to include expanding the station 350 feet further into the existing rail tunnels. It also includes construction of a new 28-foot-wide center platform that provides full access to all riders and the removal of 122 columns along platform edges. The proposed modifications would help the station meet growing passenger demand while dramatically improving service and providing ADA access. 28 ENGINEERING INC. MAY / JUNE 2019