The of group health coverage doesn't have to be a heavy lift. Put the buying power of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) to work for your firm. When you're a member of ACEC, your firm can enroll in an ACEC Life/Health Trust (L/HT) plan, insured and serviced by UnitedHealthcare. ACEC L/HT health plans raise the bar on affordability and quality, with group-negotiated advantages such as lower premiums, reduced administrative costs, more coverage options and wellness programs to help your employees get healthier. GET A QUOTE 877-279-6544 You don't have to be an ACEC member to get a quote. The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), the ACEC Life/Health Insurance Trust and UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company are three separate legal operating entities and, as such, the organizations are governed and function independently. UnitedHealthcare's services are provided with the authorization of the ACEC Life/Health Trust. Questions related to health benefits offered through the ACEC Life/Health Trust should be directed to 1-800-573-0415. Must be UnitedHealthcare insurance license products; and HMO products do not apply. ACEC membership qualification is determined by the association. Insurance coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of Illinois or their affiliates. Plans are not available to member employers in all states. 8879567.0 4/19 ©2019 United HealthCare Services, Inc. 19-11112-A