T hese days the corporate t i m e case] would never have H a l l , director of government employers believe that docu- l a w y e r s at Malcolm happened, he says. a f f a i r s for ACEC. Also they menting this information is Pirnie Inc. are breathing The FLSA determines which would relieve firms from consid- b u rd e n s o m e and subject to a bit easier. That's workers are entitled to overtime erable burdens and legal liabili- error. So the proposed regula- because the U.S. Labor pay. Under the act, workers must ties stemming from the current t i o n drops the 20-percent Department has finally proposed get time-and-a-half for any hours `s a l a r y basis' test, which has re q u i re m e n t altogether, and to update the 65-year-old Fair t h e y work beyond a 40-hour caused massive litigation in the simply classifies workers based Labor Standards Act FLSA . work week, unless they are con- past. on their primary duties. A decade ago the company was sidered white-collar workers.