Business Practice Education Delivered Nationally, Regionally, and at Your Desktop The ACEC Institute for Business Management provides comprehensive and accessible business management education for engineering company principals and their staffs. Comprehensive Curriculum Choices More than 100 courses are available this year. These courses are taught by industry practitioners and owners noted for their engineering business expertise. The Institute curriculum covers eight basic “tracks”: n Leadership & Ethics n Project Management & Project Delivery n Business Management & Quality n Human Resources n Finance n Contracts & Risk Management n Marketing & Business Development n Information Technology online seminars ACEC’s online seminars allow participation anywhere the Internet is accessible. Leading professionals present focused topics in 1-1/2-hour sessions, and participants log on to a Website to view a live presentation. Calling in to a toll-free number adds the audio portion of the presentation. Participants can ask questions via the Web. Sessions provide 1.5 professional development hours (PDHs) or more. Significant savings are realized by having multiple participants for a single-location registration fee. Certificates of Achievement Participants in Institute programs are eligible to receive Certificates of Achievement in each topic track, signifying completion of 35 hours of instruction within that particular track. Certificates attest that the individual has achieved a requisite amount of education in a particular area of study and therefore can be considered to have expertise on that topic. Those interested in earning a Certificate of Achievement may do so by notifying ACEC at online Course Catalog and Registration All of the Institute’s educational offerings are contained in a fully searchable format on ACEC’s website. For a complete list of upcoming national and regional educational opportunities, visit ACEC’s online educational events calendar: Search for programs by topic, by date or by location. Plan and register for educational training in an easy, systematic manner. Books and Publications An active publishing program is an important component of the Institute’s educational offerings. Popular topics for books and other publications include: • Project delivery systems • QBS • Contract documents • Surveys on business trends, salaries and benefits • Practice guidelines Visit for a continually updated list of all publications. Learning…When and Where You Want It Institute courses are offered in several ways that respond directly to member preferences: • Traditional face-to-face programs scheduled at various U.S. locations—including nationally sponsored courses and those delivered through the Institute by ACEC’s state Member Organizations • Educational sessions at ACEC national conventions and conferences • Archived self-paced courses over the Internet • Real-time and interactive online seminars I-2 InstItute For BusIness ManageMent