TABLE OF I CONTENTS ENGINEERING NC. S E P T E M B E R / O C TO B E R 2 0 0 3 V o l . 14, No. 5 F E AT U R E S 12 TRIPLE PLAY 18 18 Design/contract-build can deliver high-quality construction in a collaborative and often cost-saving environment. by Maureen Conley IS YOUR FIRM ETHICAL? 24 Making sure can save one of your firm's most valuable assets its reputation. by Brian Apelt F O R R E S T MACCORMACK 28 BRANCHING OUT 28 Diversification may be the key to growing your firm in today's challenging C OV E R STORY economy. by Joe Panettieri INTERVIEW WITH SENATE DEMOCRATIC WHIP HARRY REID 12 The senior Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee discusses his proposed Marshall Plan for infrastructure funding. COVER PHOTO BY FORREST MACCORMACK D E PA R T M E N T S FROM ACEC TO YOU 2 LEGISL ATIVE ACTION 10 Updates on transportation, air and water ACEC presses for permanent Price Anderson infrastructure funding. extension; $20 billion water infrastructure bill on the move; FLSA reform heats up in ASK MEMBERS 4 Congress. ACEC members weigh in on the 20th MEMBERS IN THE NEWS 32 centur y's most impressive engineering achievements. First Lady Laura Bush commends ACEC member firms on new HIV-AIDS clinic in NEWS & NOTES 6 Afr ica. A new report proves the benefits of ONE ON ONE 36 environmental streamlining; 25 percent of U.S. bridges deficient; ACEC wins reverse Michael Kennedy, president of CH2M HILL's auction battle in Minnesota. Transpor tation Business Group, on market trends and project delivery methods. 32 Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as such.