Engineers can play an important role by making their voices heard about the importance of quality in public projects. STEVE ANDERSON, ANDERSON CONSULTING SERVICES The Arizona Model s e e in the law. You want construction t h e r e . Even in A r i z o n a recently amended its design-build? We want QBS, p r o j e c t s . Steve Arizona, where a p r o c u r e m e n t law for public she told legislators. Also, con- Anderson, presi- good law already p ro j e c t s , allowing the design/ t r a c t o r s argued for the addi- dent of Anderson i s in place, you c o n t r a c t - b u i l d concept under tional allowance of construction C o n s u l t i n g Ser- s t i l l have to the rules for construction man- manager