TABLE OF I CONTENTS ENGINEERING NC. S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2005 V o l . 16, No. 5 F E AT U R E S 11 PROJECT MANAGERS: 15 BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER 15 Successful PMs turn the dis- parate elements of engineer- ing and design into a seamless whole. By Daniel Rome Levine PROTECTING AGAINST INFRASTRUCTURE TERRORISM 19 In this special roundtable dis- cussion, Engineering Inc. asked leading government policymakers and ACEC member firms to identify pri- 22 mar y infrastructure security challenges and how engi- COVER PHOTO BY RON AIRA neers can best respond. Edited by Darlene Bremer THE OTHER SIDE OF C OV E R STORY PROGRESS 22 New communication INTERVIEW WITH U.S. ENERGY SECRETARY 11 advances for engineers Samuel W. Bodman discusses the need for more nuclear promise improved efficiency, but can result in threatening plants, innovative clean coal facilities, reauthorization of the litig ation. Price Anderson Act and the engineering industry's role in DEREK LEA By Heather B. Hayes improving the nation's energy infrastructure. D E PA R T M E N T S FROM ACEC TO YOU 2 package; energy bill becomes law; AHP 4 Public/private partnerships to ease legislation clears house. infrastructure funding pain. BUSINESS INSIGHTS 28 NEWS & NOTES 4 On contract negotiations; improved FORDHAM SPIRE: FORDHAM COMPANY/GETTY IMAGES Federal study calls for safer skyscrapers; communications; delivery systems. rising construction costs may offset federal MEMBERS IN THE NEWS 30 funding gains; FHWA expedites environmen- Rober t S. Jones elected president and CEO tal streamlining. of Creegan + D'Angelo; BERGER/ABAM MARKET WATCH 7 Engineers names Arnfinn Rusten president Emerging Asian market driving nuclear and CEO. power revival. ONE ON ONE 36 LEGISL ATIVE ACTION 8 Black & Veatch CEO Len Rodman urges President signs $286.4-billion transportation lawmakers to reform trade policy. Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.