PROJECT MANAGERS: BRINGIITNALL G TOGETHER Successful PMs turn the disparate elements of engineering and design into a seamless whole i t h the poten- W tially devastating o n e - t w o punch o f engineering p r o j e c t s becom- ing significantly more complex and budgetary and time con- straints increasingly demanding, effective project managers have never been more critical to the industry. Lee Baker, a senior vice presi- d e n t at Omaha-based HDR, Inc., compares today's project By Daniel Rome Levine managers to a combination of quarterback and coach. They must coordinate and motivate a va r i e t y of players, he says, in o v e r s e e i n g large multi-disci- plined projects under demand- S e p t e m b e r l October 2005 ENGINEERING INC. 1 5