The best project managers understand and respect innova- tion and creatively enhance it, but at the same time maintain a ing conditions. One of the p l e x i t y of so many of today's firms with multiple disciplines, most important skills for a proj- projects, tasks such as staying such as SMMA. We need one sense of control that ect manager is the ability to get w i t h i n a budget and meeting person to manage everyone talk- the client expects. the best out of people for the deadlines are only the beginning. ing together, he says. MICHAEL K. POWERS interest of the team. Project managers must not Additionally, project managers SYMMES MAINI & MCKEE Moving people toward a com- only be increasingly aware of the can be more successful by fol- ASSOCIATES mon goal is just one of the skills client's interests and goals, but lowing these steps: r e q u i r e d of effective project also the pressure from whoever managers. But many experts say is overseeing their work, be it an