Ta b l e of conTenTs engineeringInc. s e P t e M b e r / o C t o b e r 2006 Vol. 17, no. 5 F E AT U R E S 16 not Just in AlAskA From a two-person, one-desk Alaskan company, ASCG Incorporated has grown into a multistate enterprise while retaining its traditions. By Richard Brunelli 22 uP to sPEC Effective commissioning has helped industrial builders and engineers streamline work and save money. By Maureen Conley 26 ACEC/PAC HonoR Roll The Council's fundraising efforts hit the halfway mark for 2006, with impressive results. 26 22 Gary Gladstone/Corbis C OV E R STORY 10 mAnufACtuRing & industRiAl dEsign Large, multifaceted industrial projects offer major challenges and rewards for firms. And owners tell how engineering helps drive their manufacturing success. By Daniel Rome Levine and Heather B. Hayes D E pA RT M E n T S 2 5 32 fRom ACEC to You mARkEt WAtCH mEmBERs in 32 tHE nEWs A robust PAC allows the U.S. manufacturing isn't Council to wield more what it used to be. And that T.Y. Lin wins international influence in government. may be a good thing. award for work in China; ACEC/Colorado celebrates 4 nEWs & notEs lEgislAtiVE 50th anniversary. 8 ACtion ACEC scores major QBS 36 onE on onE victory in Louisiana; private The Council urges action on investors sought for large asbestos reform. ARCADIS-USA chairman/ infrastructure projects; CEO sees alternative energy, BusinEss insigHts 30 sports curiosities explained; sustainability as keys to closing the gender gap. Managing mega projects; industry's future. building a corporate board that works; combating unrealistic client expectations. Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.http://www.ACEC.org