engineeringInc. september/october 2008 ● Table of conTenTs Vol. 19, No. 5 12 12 FEATurES mANAgiNg risk iN A muLtidisCipLiNE worLd As firms expand into new disciplines, so do professional liability concerns. 18 24 28 34 hEALthY dEsigNs Engineers at the core of new approach in health care facility design. tAkiNg thE NExt stEp Engineers consider options to augment technical training with business management education. 2008 FALL CoNFErENCE primEr The Council’s Fall Conference in Montréal is right around the corner. Make your plans today! 18 COVEr STOry dECisioN ’08 Which candidate will better serve our industry—Barack Obama or John McCain? 12 2 8 24 mArkEt wAtCh Aging boomers fuel health care construction. mEmBErs 36 iN thE NEws Nolte Associates, Inc. names Ken rudolph president and CEO; DMJM Harris receives diversity award; Stantec acquires McIntosh Engineering. oNE oN oNE 40 Alpha Corporation Senior Vice president philios Angelides discusses QBS and the influence of ACEC membership. DEpArTMENTS From ACEC to You Staying in the political forefront. 4 NEws & NotEs 4 Bentley and Autodesk make BIM systems compatible; NIST program aims to improve detection of infrastructure failure; first private activity bonds issuance marks historic highway financing. LEgisLAtivE ACtioN10 president signs ACEC’s student loan forgiveness for engineers; Council advocates infrastructure investment. BusiNEss iNsights 32 Trends survey reveals industry challenges; making the case for sustainable engineering. coVer: mccAIN; Ap ImAges/mAry AltAffer, obAmA; sAlAh mAlkAwI/getty ImAges Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.