Positions at a Glance Infrastructure proposes National Infrastructure Reinvestment bank that would make an additional $60 billion available for infrastructure over the next 10 years. economy provide additional tax rebates to working families. Establish Foreclosure prevention Fund. Create Advanced manufacturing Fund to promote more efficient manufacturing techniques. tax reform Would eliminate most bush tax cuts. Would raise top two income tax brackets for families earning more than $250,000 to 36 percent and 39.6 percent; would provide $1,000 tax credits to working families. capItal GaIns Would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends. Reduce taxes on small business owners. enerGy Will focus on alternative and renewable energy sources, open to more offshore drilling if incorporated into larger package of conservation/renewable initiatives; create 5 million “green collar” jobs. Government contractInG seeks additional oversight of government contracting process to reduce waste and corruption. supports unions and vows to curtail what he sees as excessive federal dependence on private contractors for performing inherently governmental functions. By Stacy collett ’08 sEptEmbER / oCtobER 2008 ENGINEERING INC. 13 ethan mIller/Getty ImaGeS