EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH LIEUTENANT GENERAL ROBERT B. FLOWERS The Chief of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Discusses Infrastructure, Outsourcing, Rebuilding Iraq and Partnering with ACEC. ACEC CHAIRMAN ERIC FLICKER: moved a long-overdue $4 bil- d o l l a r s even if there were no e l e c t r i c a l transmission towers W h a t is the situation in Iraq lion WRDA Water Resources security and safety issues. There also have retarded progress and right now in terms of the infra- Development Act of 2003 bill will be numerous and signifi- g re a t l y magnify the natural structure and the reconstruction in July. In addition to providing c a n t opportunities for U.S. challenges of rebuilding Iraq. effort? needed funding for water proj- f i r m s to contribute to these The Corps of Engineers has e c t s throughout the country, efforts, especially in areas where m o r e than 400 volunteers LT. GEN. ROBERT B. FLOWERS: t h e measure includes several t h e Corps will provide assis- d e p l oy e d in the U.S. Central The reconstruction of Iraq is an e n v i r o n m e n t a l proposals that tance. That could include: C o m m a n d area of operation, e n o r m o u s task. Its infrastruc- would affect the way the Corps