Conference attendees marvel at one of the nation's most impressive engineering achievements the Arthur Ravenel Jr., Bridge. Fall Conference Attendees T Embrace he chance to explore new market opportuni- ties and business issues was an important lure Strong Focus for many of the more than 800 attendees to the recent Fall Conference: The National Conference on the Built Environment in Charleston, S.C. While On Business participants enjoyed a charming Southern setting and world-class speakers, it was the more than 30 business management sessions including owner-led presenta- tions that fueled the event's success. Richard Brunelli A packed room of conference attendees closely listen to the presentation on public/pri- vate partnerships in the transportation sector. The session was led by AASHTO President Harold Linnenkohl and was one of more than 30 business management programs available at the conference. 29 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2006 ENGINEERING INC.