Engineering Inc. - November/December 2010 - (Page 1)
engineeringinc. 8
November/December 2010
vol. 21, No. 6
12 16 20 28
2010 FALL CoNFErENCE highLights
Members meet in Puerto Rico to discuss business issues important to their firms’ bottom lines.
iNs ANd outs
Small and medium-size firms use contracting out to add expertise and control costs, but experts say the practice isn’t right for everyone.
Cover Feature
Member Firm innovation fuels advancement in renewableenergy projects.
In the drive for U.S. energy independence, what’s really needed? And who’s going to pay?
YouNg ProFEssioNALs oF thE YEAr
ACEC honors five up-and-coming engineers for their contributions to the industry.
From ACEC to You
Engineering America’s new energy landscape.
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LEgisLAtivE ACtioN
6 26 29
NEws ANd NotEs
“Industry victory” in lifting of Gulf Coast drilling ban; U.S. House passes ACEC-backed 9/11 liability relief legislation.
Chinese-style traffic jam not likely here, but U.S. congestion crisis grows; CEOs call energy infrastructure shortfall the decade’s top engineering challenge.
BusiNEss iNsights
Sustainability market is growing rapidly; pricing firm services in the new economy; big-value seminars.
mArkEt wAtCh
Power demand leads to new opportunities for Member Firms.
GlowimaGes/Getty imaGes
mEmBErs iN thE NEws
URS Corporation acquires Scott Wilson Group; Jim Lewis named chief administrative officer of Black & Veatch; Gannett Fleming celebrates its 95th anniversary.
Engineering Inc. promotes the advocacy and business interests of ACEC by offering news, legislative analysis and business practice information to member firms, clients, opinion leaders and policy makers.
The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Engineering Inc. - November/December 2010