FEATURES 22 SPOTLIGHT: PRIVATE SECTOR MARKET 18 GROWTH CONTINUES IN LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCES SECTOR Vital signs indicate a healthy and evolving market for engineering firms in this private sector. 22 TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENTS ON THE FAST TRACK Vibrant, livable, and sustainable communities create rapidly growing community epicenters. 26 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DISCUSS INFRASTRUCTURE First-ever Candidate Infrastructure Forum provides diverse visions of America's infrastructure future. 31 FAIR WARNING 36 2019 PLI Survey of Carriers indicates tightening market in the coming years. 36 ACEC OKLAHOMA PROFILE State organization key to the establishment of ACEC. 40 CULTIVATING STEM 26 Garver partners with 100 schools to increase STEM learning opportunities. DEPARTMENTS 4 FROM ACEC TO YOU Meaningful rewards from Presidential Candidate Infrastructure Forum. 6 MARKET WATCH MEP market embracing new technology in concert with client demand. 8 LEGISLATIVE ACTION ACEC secures repeal of $7.6 billion rescission of federal highway funding; tax policy included in budget deal. 10 THE PRIVATE SIDE Southeast port growth spurs intermodal opportunities; expected EV increase to result in site infrastructure changes. 44 IN THE NEWS Goldman Copeland designs geothermal screening tool; HDR Fellows Program helps employees pursue professional passions. 46 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Party on, deal-makers! 48 RISK MANAGEMENT Peering at peer review risk. 49 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Wood appoints Cox CEO; CHA Holdings, Inc., promotes Stephenson to CEO; RLG Consulting Engineers appoints Markussen chairman; Architectural Engineers, Inc. promotes Wisler to president; and Maser Consulting appoints Haney to CEO. 52 BUSINESS INSIGHTS Crystal Ball Workshop looks into the future. COVER: RELATED COMPANIES | OXFORD PROPERTIES GROUP ACEC's award-winning bi-monthly magazine Engineering Inc. provides expert analysis on all issues affecting the overall business of engineering. Other highlights include in-depth interviews with major policy makers whose decisions impact bottom lines; updates on critical advocacy issues and industry news, best practice management trends and marketplace projections, along with member firm innovations and announcements. The articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not represent an official ACEC position or policy unless specifically identified as doing so.