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wHo IS Study Limitations The results from this study are based on a single case and thus cannot be generalized to other settings. Future studies should consider using a larger sample or a broader population. In addition, the findings may have been influenced by the focus group setting in the hospital, which may have led to participant reticence in voicing their true opinions. Finally, a self-selection bias of the individuals who were willing and able to participate in the focus groups may have influenced the discussions. Future research should consider adopting a random selection of participants. CONCLUSION The changes in CMS's reimbursement methodology are forcing hospitals to allocate more resources to improving the patient experience. Successful application of customer service techniques in other industries has led to implementation of these techniques in hospitals. The study findings show that before implementing any customer service tool, administrators need to understand who the hospital's customers are and identify each customer's particular satisfiers. With this knowledge, healthcare administrators can incorporate the customer service techniques that will yield the highest return on investment and advance the organization. REFERENCES Barlow, K. (2000). Physician relations programs can increase referrals. Healthcare Finance Management, 54, 35-39. Bastian, H. (1998). Speaking up for ourselves: The evolution of consumer advocacy in health care. International Journal of a H oSp Ital ' S "c u StoMer "? Technology Assessment in Health Care, 14(1), 3-23. Boote, J., Telford, R., & Cooper, C. (2002). Consumer involvement in health research: A review and research agenda. Health Policy, 61(2), 213-236. Bragadottir, H., & Reed, D. (2002). Psychometric instrument evaluation: The pediatric family satisfaction questionnaire. Pediatric Nursing, 28(5), 475. Brookes, D., & Stodin, N. (1995). The new service relationship: Winning more of your existing customers' business is a more cost-effective strategy than finding new customers. Canadian Business Review, 22, 24-25. Burns, L. R., & Muller, R. W. (2008). Hospitalphysician collaboration: Landscape of economic integration and impact on clinical integration. Milbank Quarterly, 86(3), 375-434. Burns, L. R., & Wholey, D. R. (1992). Factors affecting physician loyalty and exit: A longitudinal analysis of physician-hospital relationships. Health Services Research, 27(1), 1. Christmas, D. M., & Sweeney, A. (2016). Service user, patient, survivor or client . . . has the time come to return to 'patient'? British Journal of Psychiatry, 209(1), 9-13. Covell, N., McCorkle, B., Weissman, E., Summerfelt, T., & Essock, S. (2007). What's in a name? Terms preferred by service recipients. Administration & Policy in Mental Health, 34(5), 443-447. Customer. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster's online dictionary. Retrieved from http://www /customer Deber, R. B., Kraetschmer, N., Urowitz, S., & Sharpe, N. (2005). Patient, consumer, client, or customer: What do people want to be called? Health Expectations, 8(4), 345-351. Edmiston, G., & Wofford, D. (2010). Physician alignment: The right strategy, the right mind-set. Healthcare Financial Management, 64(12), 60-66. Feinstein, A. R., & Cicchetti, D. V. (1990). High agreement but low kappa, I: The problems of two paradoxes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 43(6), 543-549. Fleiss, J. L. (1971). Measuring nominal scale agreement among many raters. Psychological Bulletin, 76(5), 378. 331

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016

Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016
Interview With Jayne E. Pope, RN, FACHE, CEO of Hill Country Memorial Hospital
How to Find the Ideal Chief Medical Officer
Four Strategies for Succeeding With Bundled Payments
Who Is a Hospital’s “Customer”? Olena Mazurenko, Dina Marie Zemke, and Noelle Lefforge
Vision Statement Quality and Organizational Performance in U.S. Hospitals Rachna Gulati, Osama Mikhail, Robert O. Morgan, and Dean F. Sittig
Maximizing Healthcare Professionals’ Use of New Computer Technologies in a Small, Urban Hospital’s Critical Care Unit Patricia C. Vadillo, Estrellita S. Rojo, Adelaida Garces, and Maria G. Checton
Factors Determining Medical Staff Configurations in Community Health Centers: CEO Perspectives Patricia Pittman, Leah Masselink, Lauren Bade, Bianca Frogner, and Leighton Ku
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Contents
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Cover2
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - i
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - ii
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - 305
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Interview With Jayne E. Pope, RN, FACHE, CEO of Hill Country Memorial Hospital
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - 310
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - How to Find the Ideal Chief Medical Officer
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - 313
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Four Strategies for Succeeding With Bundled Payments
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - 318
Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Who Is a Hospital’s “Customer”? Olena Mazurenko, Dina Marie Zemke, and Noelle Lefforge
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Vision Statement Quality and Organizational Performance in U.S. Hospitals Rachna Gulati, Osama Mikhail, Robert O. Morgan, and Dean F. Sittig
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Maximizing Healthcare Professionals’ Use of New Computer Technologies in a Small, Urban Hospital’s Critical Care Unit Patricia C. Vadillo, Estrellita S. Rojo, Adelaida Garces, and Maria G. Checton
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Journal of Healthcare Management - September/October 2016 - Factors Determining Medical Staff Configurations in Community Health Centers: CEO Perspectives Patricia Pittman, Leah Masselink, Lauren Bade, Bianca Frogner, and Leighton Ku
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