The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - 100

Robert Longwell-Grice • Kathleen Kerr

powerful influence upon us, reflecting our
attitudes and shaping our perspectives and
our actions. While we believe that RAs learn
and grow during their time in the position,
having a firmly held predetermined metaphor
of what the job entails makes it difficult for
RA supervisors to work with RAs. When an
RA has a favorite hat, it becomes difficult to
convince him or her that in different situations different hats might be more useful.
Using metaphors as a way to understand how
RA candidates perceive the RA job will also
allow staff to select RAs who are a good fit for
the position, thus allowing them to be more
successful in the position.

RA Training
RA training is often focused on getting RAs
ready for the job without really focusing on
individual RA expectations and perceptions. If
the supervisors know how RAs are viewing the
position, they could be trained in a way to better
ensure that their expectations are more in line
with the realities of the position. Having RAs
select a metaphor about the job helps staff read
their minds regarding their attitude towards the
job. In fact, residence life staff could use metaphors themselves in order to help new RAs
understand the position. As McEwan (2007)
states, metaphors can help to structure our

RA training is often focused
on getting RAs ready for the
job without really focusing
on individual RA expectations
and perceptions.

thinking and understanding of events. Further,
Martinez, Sauleda, and Huber (2001) maintain
that metaphors affect behavior. Therefore use of
metaphors during RA training can help further
a new RA’s understanding of the job and help
shape their attitudes towards the position in a
desirable manner.

RA Supervision
When supervisors get a glimpse into the minds
of their RAs through the metaphors they are
using, it will also assist them with supervision. As we saw in this study, some of the RAs
changed their metaphor when they realized
there was a mismatch. Undoubtedly the RA position is difficult, and there will be times when
RAs experience disappointment. Knowing what
metaphor the RA selected will be important for
staff so they know whether the disappointment
is due to a mismatch of expectations and realities; knowing this, they could then help focus
the RA. Ollilainen and Calasanti (2007) and
Inns (2002) found that other organizations use
metaphors to help create group cohesion and
encourage commitment to the organization. Supervisors who intentionally use metaphors with
the RAs could do so with the intent of creating
greater staff cohesion.
The researchers believe that the use of
metaphor in RA selection and training has
great potential, as is demonstrated in this
study. Because using metaphors allows people
to discuss difficult and emotional topics
better than literal language does (Fainsilber &
Ortony, 1987; Hocker & Wilmot, 1991; Lakoff
& Johnson, 1980), residence life staff can also
use metaphors to discuss sensitive topics in individual and group meetings. Use of metaphor
could be ideal when presenting diversity programs or mediating between groups as well.



The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1

The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1
Volume 39, No. 2 Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor
Factors That Play a Role in First-Year Students’ On-Campus Housing Decisions
Influence of Academically Based Living-Learning Communities on Men’s Awareness of and Appreciation for Diversity
Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Resident Assistants’ Intention to Refer Students to Counseling
Parental Notification of Alcohol or Drug-Related Violations: Parents’ Perceptions and Reactions to the Practice
Counselor, Teacher, Role Model, Cop: Understanding RA Satisfaction Through the Use of Metaphor
Living and Learning in College
The Past, Present, and Future of Residential Colleges: Looking Back at S. Stewart Gordon’s “Living and Learning in College”
The Journal of College and University Student Housing Volume 40, No. 1 – Addressing the Needs of Residential City University, Students with Disabilities Theme Issue
Volume 40, No. 1 Table of Contents
Introduction - Addressing the Needs of Residential Students with Disabilities
Service, Comfort, or Emotional Support? The Evolution of Disability Law and Campus Housing
Implementing Universal Design: A Collaborative Approach to Designing Campus Housing
Supporting Students with Severe Physical Disabilities: The Illinois Model
College Students with Intellectual Disabilities: How Are They Faring?
A Collaborative Support Model for Students on the Autism Spectrum in College and University Housing
When Community and Conduct Collide: Residents with Invisible Disabilities and the Student Conduct Process
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Volume 39, No. 2 Table of Contents
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Letter from the Editor
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Factors That Play a Role in First-Year Students’ On-Campus Housing Decisions
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Influence of Academically Based Living-Learning Communities on Men’s Awareness of and Appreciation for Diversity
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Resident Assistants’ Intention to Refer Students to Counseling
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Parental Notification of Alcohol or Drug-Related Violations: Parents’ Perceptions and Reactions to the Practice
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Counselor, Teacher, Role Model, Cop: Understanding RA Satisfaction Through the Use of Metaphor
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Living and Learning in College
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - The Past, Present, and Future of Residential Colleges: Looking Back at S. Stewart Gordon’s “Living and Learning in College”
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - The Journal of College and University Student Housing Volume 40, No. 1 – Addressing the Needs of Residential City University, Students with Disabilities Theme Issue
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Volume 40, No. 1 Table of Contents
The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Introduction - Addressing the Needs of Residential Students with Disabilities
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Service, Comfort, or Emotional Support? The Evolution of Disability Law and Campus Housing
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Implementing Universal Design: A Collaborative Approach to Designing Campus Housing
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - Supporting Students with Severe Physical Disabilities: The Illinois Model
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - College Students with Intellectual Disabilities: How Are They Faring?
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - A Collaborative Support Model for Students on the Autism Spectrum in College and University Housing
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The Journal of College and University Student Housing - Volume 39, No. 2 & Volume 40, No. 1 - When Community and Conduct Collide: Residents with Invisible Disabilities and the Student Conduct Process
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