res liFe were compared to those formed by students on a typical residence hall floor. Student responses to questions about who they interacted with academically and socially revealed that those in the living-learning program reported more academic and social connections with their peers than did students living on the typical residence hall floor. The results also showed that, in both communities, social networks were “denser” than academic networks. llp by gender and race ColleCting anD integrating tHe Data Data for social network analysis can be obtained in many ways. In the Syracuse study, data was collected using a paper survey, which included rosters listing the names of all continuEs 52 gender Red: Female Blue: Male race/Ethnicity White African American Asian or Asian American Latino ASSESS ASSESS EN, GRE GO VEY SUR NE! I ONL ANALYZE ANALYZE ACT ACT The National Standard for Campus Housing Assessment Comprehensive Resident, Apartment and Student Staff Assessments Based on NASPA/ACPA Leadership and Learning Reconsidered & ACUHO-I and CAS National Standards PARTNERS SINCE 1998 EBI Service Center 417-429-0081 www.WebEBI.com