Talking Stick July + August 2013 Volume 30, Issue 6 The Magazine of The associaTion of college and UniversiTy hoUsing officers-inTernaTional Features 28 Common Space for the Common Good Modern hall design guides students to and through welcoming common spaces, helping them to define how to make the most of living in their residence hall. 36 Marketing the Residential Experience Learn how a brand keeps students in the halls and your story about the importance of campus housing alive. talking stiCk Symbol of International Friendship ACUHO-I’s talking stick, or speaker’s staff, was hand-carved of wood by the Ohiat Band of the British Columbia Indian Nation. Canadian ACUHO-I members presented it to the association in July 1973 during our annual conference at the University of British Columbia. The inscription reads: It is a sign of authority carried when proclamations are to be made or a meeting of chiefs is in session. . . . A token of common heritage both to Canadians and Americans. Columns 6 Vision 16 Res Life Setting Up for Success A roadmap for designing student and professional staff training programs for diversity and inclusion education 20 Business Operations A Catalyst for Collaboration Assessment builds connections. 24 Cover: Offering different kinds of common space in residential design is key to providing the opportunity of social interaction to students. Shown here, the main social lounge at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, is an example of a common space that offers both formal and informal social areas. There are tables and chairs for studying or working on group projects, and there are soft-sided lounge chairs if students just want to hang out and chat. Read the feature on page 28 to learn more about the use of common space. Photo credit: CBT Architects Facilities Getting in the Zone Cleaning with liquid ozone offers a chemical-free, economical cleaning solution. Departments 4 New Member Highlight 8 Just In Spotlight on Northern Illinois University PLUS moving housing into a hotel; taking a 3D tour through the halls; insights to making the most of an association membership; overhear what to consider when first-year students are under the age of 18; and public art has gone to the fishes by the numbers. 13 Your ACUHO-I 15 Transitions 27 Calendar 44 Conversations Let’s talk about the challenge of change on a large campus. 47 First Takes 48 Reporting Out This magazine is printed on recycled stock which is made from 10% post-consumer waste. 54 New Members 56 Snapshot July + August 2013 3