JUST IN BY THE NUMBERS 97% The percentage of student veterans who return for spring semester A recent study of student veterans after the Post9/11 GI Bill of 2009 reports that veteran support services on college and university campuses significantly affect the success of the student veterans. The study of 741 students in 23 higher education institutions revealed that, during the 2011-12 academic year, more veterans stayed enrolled, posted solid grade point averages, and completed nearly all the credits they pursued. Every institution that was surveyed reported having an on-campus veteran coordinator and a student-run veterans club or association. In addition, some institutions are offering an oncampus counselor who is trained in treating students suffering from traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder. Among the students in the study, the average GPA was 2.98; each student earned 91 percent, on average, of the credits they pursued that year; and 97 percent of the student veterans returned for spring semester after completing their fall semester. To view "Completing the Mission II: A Study of Veteran Students' Progress Toward Degree Attainment in the Post-9/11 Era" published by Operation College Promise, see http://www. operationpromiseforservicemembers.com/. 12 TALKING STICKhttp://www.operationpromiseforservicemembers.com/ http://www.operationpromiseforservicemembers.com/