business and industry have adapted their strategies more quickly in response to the challenges. Corporate approaches to succession planning have evolved to address the complex demands of competitive markets and an increasingly diverse workforce. To increase the likelihood of surviving the current work environment, many business organizations have adopted a proactive talent management approach to the development of leaders. A focus on talent management moves succession planning from a process primarily concerned with filling vacant positions to a process of creating and sustaining a wellqualified group of leaders internal to the organization. Organizations invested in talent management strategies are hoping to continually recruit new potential leaders and keep them actively engaged by helping them build professional capacity and providing pathways to promotion. In recent years, succession planning with a focus on talent management has added support for the view that a focus on talent management moves succession planning from a process primarily concerned with filling vacant positions to a process of creating and sustaining a wellqualified group of leaders internal to the organization. an organization's access to a large pool of diverse talent is a critical representation of its long-term viability. The Next Level in Student Services * Now you have an unlimited ability to design your own application processes, informational pages and so much more. * Use drag-and-drop design features with all popular browsers. * Create unlimited contract and agreement types and use a variety of electronic signature options. * Create online processes with unlimited pages per process and unlimited steps, in any order! * Visual Room Selection allows students to look at a live floor plan for availability, select a room and book it. * Drag-and-drop reporting allows end users to select fields from the system, drag them onto a report - with conditions and other options - and create their own reports as needed. * User-defined Dashboards give quick access to reports, interface status, and other information for instant reference. Ask for a demo to see it in action and see what our clients have been creating! | 1-919-845-9004 March + april 2014 47