succession planning is a way for colleges and universities to identify and promote diverse collections of talented employees by developing leadership pathways for all levels of faculty and staff, comprehensive efforts will not proceed without executive-level support and access to resources. addressing The criTiqUes General perceptions of formalized succession planning may be that only management favorites are selected for development opportunities. To mitigate this criticism, effective plans will establish open and ongoing communication about program goals and objectives. Various stakeholders inside and outside of the institution will have an investment in the development of potential leaders and can provide valuable support if they have appropriate knowledge of the process. Human resource experts David Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank emphasize that strategic communication allows the institution to relate targeted messages about the ways in which succession planning will address institutional priorities and support the mission and goals. Staff and faculty may question the value of participating in formalized succession planning programs when they understand that their participation is not a guarantee of promotion into a senior or executivelevel role. As key partners in the delivery of talent management programs packaged within succession planning, managers and program coordinators have a responsibility to establish realistic expectations for professional development opportunities while encouraging the participation of staff. At the same time, the campus community needs to see evidence that individuals who do engage in succession planning programs are seriously considered To be strategic, colleges and universities should focus on building leadership capacity in areas that will sustain the institution as it currently exists while evolving to accommodate the institution's future goals. CUSTOMIZED SHOWER SOLUTIONS Higher Education Healthcare Institutional 330.837.2216 March + april 2014 49