Country Focus The Column February 2006 Country Focus
UK and Benelux This month we turn our attention to the latest developments
in the UK and Benelux countries. Here's a brief insight into a few of the
stories that have caught our attention. UK Biotage launches supported
Copolymer analysis system from Viscotek liquid extraction plates Biotage
Hertford, Hertfordshire, UK has recently Viscotek Crowthorne, Berkshire,
UK has introduced a fully launched its ISOLUTE SLE supported liquid
extraction functional GPC/SEC system for characterizing copolymers. plates
that are Bringing together Viscotek's Triple Detector Array TDA , GPCmax
designed to integrated pump, autosampler and degasser module and produce
higher powerful OmniSEC software, the system is said to be able to cope
analyte with even the most demanding copolymer analyses. recoveries and
The TDA harnesses the power of RI, UV and viscometry or light- improve
sample scattering detectors acting together, with each detector providing
preparation complimentary but different information. By evaluating the
productivity response from the two concentration detectors the system
compared with corrects the limitations of using a single detector
delivering rapid traditional determination of copolymer concentration and
a true liquid
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Column February 2006