By S. Lawrence PauLSon
AttrActive, sAfe dividends, excellent credit rAtings And A constructive regulAtory environment should Allow nAturAl gAs utilities to rAise money for the significAnt infrAstructure updAtes now needed, AnAlysts sAy.
recovering economy and a dramatically altered U.s. natural gas supply picture mean that energy companies will soon be making significant investments in infrastructure, but raising capital for needed improvements shouldn’t be a major problem for gas utilities, analysts say. “There’s a lot of capital available to fund the capital investment and growth of utility companies,” says Parker Weil, managing director, energy and power investment banking, Bank of America merrill Lynch. “i would have given you a very different story a year ago.”
AmericAn GAs may 2010
a RetuRn to FiRm Financial
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of American Gas - May 2010