Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 8

sCientifiC sessions neWs ada president: "let's turn up the Heat" "We need to create an intensification in our fight to stop diabetes, and we need one now." That was the passionate message delivered by American Diabetes Association President of Science & Medicine Dr. Desmond Schatz to an engaged audience at the recent 76th Scientific Sessions in New Orleans. "When water temperature rises from 211 to 212 degrees, something dramatic occurs: the once-calm water begins to boil," Schatz said. He declared that diabetes is largely "invisible" compared to other public health crises like cancer and AIDS. His urgent message called for a dramatic and rapid increase in diabetes awareness and argued that such a movement could drive increases in diabetes funding, research, and education. Dr. Schatz presented not only sobering statistics reflecting the global economic impact of diabetes, but also examples of the human toll of the disease. Recounting a recent encounter, Dr. Schatz shared that, while making a presentation at a diabetes-related event, he encouraged the audience to interrupt at any time to ask a question. Katie, a 9-year-old who had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a toddler, confidently did so, asking when she would be cured. Curious, she asked further whether society wasn't smart enough or whether it wasn't spending enough money on researching a cure. "I could hear the frustration in her voice. Her palpable sense of urgency moved me," said Dr. Schatz, who then pleaded with attendees to join the effort to turn up the temperature in societal awareness and to mobilize diabetes advocates. "I want to be able to look Katie in the eye and tell her that we share her urgency and are doing everything we can to achieve life free of diabetes and all its burdens," he said. . To answer the call and join the growing movement of diabetes advocacy, please visit professional.diabetes.org/advocacy. To watch Dr. Schatz's presentation in its entirety, please visit professional. diabetes.org/2016presms. Clinical action briefs 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in diabetes, obesity, and Hypertension In November 2015, the 5th World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity, and Hypertension (CODHy) was held in Istanbul, turkey. leaders in diabetes research from around the world met to challenge and explore optimal treatments for patients, with an emphasis on appropriate use of new and emerging drugs. as in previous years, the proceedings are published in a supplement to Diabetes Care. the articles, covering a range of topics concerning prevention, treatment, and intervention of diabetes, are available in an online-only supplement to the august 2016 issue of Diabetes Care at care.diabetesjournals.org/ content/39/supplement_2. the artificial pancreas in 2016: a digital treatment ecosystem for diabetes the July 2016 issue of Diabetes Care features a special collection of articles presenting the current state of the artificial pancreas. Included are reports on multinational home-use artificial pancreas trials, studies in young children, the use of multihormonal approaches to mitigate meal-related hyperglycemia, and discussions of artificial pancreas study designs and outcome measures. this collection of articles aims to establish the artificial pancreas as a new diabetes treatment paradigm-not a single-function CGM or CSII device, but rather an adaptable wearable network encompassing the patient in a digital treatment ecosystem. access the collection at care.diabetesjournals.org/content/ diabetes-care-online-collections. primary Care program Held at scientific sessions Primary care providers from around the world recently participated in standing-room-only sessions at the Diabetes Is Primary program, held in conjunction with the 76th Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, La. This program, developed specifically for the primary care community, highlighted clinically relevant information about treating to American Diabetes Association care guidelines to improve patient outcomes. "Diabetes Is Primary dives into the nuts and bolts of good patient care," said Jay Shubrook, DO, chair of the Association's Primary Care Advisory Group and a professor at Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine in Vallejo, CA. "Once our patients are in the 8 on foot care, high-risk populations, insulin initiation and titration, and diabetes management on a budget. Jay Shubrook, DO, Chair of ADA Primary Care Advisory Group, Touro University California, Vallejo, California office, we want to make sure we can get the most out of the visit." Leading diabetes experts presented updates on the Association's 2016 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, new medication options, patient engagement strategies, the comprehensive exam, and diabetes in older adults. Break-out sessions enabled small-group discussions "Primary care providers are on the front lines every day to fight this epidemic, and some days it feels like an uphill battle," Shubrook said. "Our hope is that Diabetes Is Primary will arm clinicians with information to provide quality care and ensure that patients can live full and healthy lives." access the Webcasts Even if you were not in New Orleans for the live event, check out the Diabetes Is Primary webcasts and earn up to 5.25 credit hours. Join thousands of other clinicians who access and learn from these popular webcasts each year. Visit professional.diabetes.org/primary to learn more. http://care.diabetesjournals.org/ http://professional.diabetes.org/advocacy http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/diabetes-care-online-collections http://www.professional.diabetes.org/2016PresMS http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/diabetes-care-online-collections http://www.professional.diabetes.org/2016PresMS http://professional.diabetes.org/primary

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016

In This Issue
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - In This Issue
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 2
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 3
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 4
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 5
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 6
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 7
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 8
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 9
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 10
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 11
Diabetes Pro Quarterly - Summer 2016 - 12