DiabetesPro QUARTERLY AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION NEWS FOR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS In This Issue 4 Meet Our New Eye Health Interest Group Members Editor Jennifer Maizel, MPH, CHES Editor Debbie Kendall 11 FAA Opens Doors for Pilots with Diabetes Designer Rikki Campbell Ogden / pixiedesign 14 Join Us for the 80th Scientific Sessions! @ADA_DiabetesPro The DiabetesPro Quarterly is published by the American Diabetes Association for the members of the Association's Professional Section. For additional copies or information, contact the American Diabetes Association by email (askADA@ diabetes.org) or phone (1-800-232-3472). Project Manager Jenn Von Willer 6 New Membership Advisory Group Members Announced /DiabetesPro 2451 Crystal Drive, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22202 Advertising Julie DeVoss Graff, Senior Advertising Manager jdevoss@diabetes.org (703) 299-5511 /company/american-diabetes-association