APA's Top Payroll Questions & Answers for 2020 seeking medical diagnosis, then the first two weeks (up to 80 hours) of leave would be paid at the employees' regular rate of pay and then the remaining 10 weeks of expanded family and medical leave would be paid at 2/3 the regular rate. Paying FFCRA leave twice Q. If an employee tested positive, took two weeks off, and later tested positive again, can he be paid under the FFCRA emergency paid sick leave twice? A. No. Employees are limited to 80 hours of FFCRA paid sick leave. A full-time employee can receive up to 80 hours. Part-time employees are eligible for the average number of hours worked over a typical twoweek period. Extended furloughs Q. The company I work for closed in late March because of the state's COVID-19 quarantine order. Nearly all employees were furloughed until mid-June when the state lifted its quarantine order. The company is reopening for business, so employees are returning to work. Can the company extend an employee's furlough because she would need to take paid expanded family and medical leave to care for her children if she returns to work? A. No. The DOL said that employers may not discriminate or retaliate against employees (or prospective employees) for exercising or attempting to exercise their right to take FFCRA leave. If the employee's need to care for her children qualifies for FFCRA paid emergency sick leave or expanded family and medical leave, she has a right to 107 Special Supplement: COVID-19 - Questions & Answers SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: COVID-19