9 APA's Top Payroll Questions & Answers for 2020 Charitable donations Other Deductions From Pay Q. My employer allows employees to make charitable donations through payroll. Just like we deposit pay to an employee's financial institution, we remit payments to a charity identified by the employee. Because we manage these through payroll, the donation amount is paid incrementally each pay period. Now, we have an employee who wants to stop the charitable donations, can we do this? What about the promise of the donation to the charity? A. From the employer and payroll perspective, this is a voluntary deduction and the employee may stop it at any time. You do not have any responsibility toward the charity nor should you contact them. Communication would be through the employee. Be sure to document the employee's request, including a signature to stop payments. Employees changing jobs within an organization (OCSE) Q. Our organization has more than a dozen federal employment identification numbers (EINs). Employees frequently transfer between these companies. When an employee with a child support order transfers, do we need new paperwork from the child support agency to begin withholding under the new company? Can we transfer the order to the new company and continue withholding? From a compliance perspective, should we let the agency know that the employee transferred companies and request new paperwork addressed to the new company? 70