9 APA's Top Payroll Questions & Answers for 2020 Garnishments and on-demand pay (DOL) Other Deductions From Pay Q. We are considering adopting some alternative payment options, including early wage access or on-demand pay, which would allow employees to obtain a portion of their pay before their regularly scheduled payday. If an employee is subject to a garnishment, how would we apply the limits of the Consumer Credit Protection Act to periods of less than a workweek? A. The garnishments should be computed based on the disposable earnings on a pay period basis. Pay advances, such as on-demand pay, are considered wages earned and should be included in the garnishment computations for the pay period in which the wages were earned. This should not change the regular garnishment amount for each pay period. New services (OCSE) Q. Is OCSE developing any new services? A. OCSE is always looking for ways to make things easier for employers and child support agencies. One area OCSE is enhancing is its child support portal. Employers can register for the portal, where they can update information about their organization and report lump-sum payments and employee terminations. Lump-sum payments. One recent enhancement that went into effect in July is when an employer reports information about an employee who is going to receive a lump-sum payment, OCSE can return a "match" or "no match" to the employer. This is helpful for employers, especially when they have an employee who they know owes child support but not an arrearage. 74