9 APA's Top Payroll Questions & Answers for 2020 Priority for withholding (OCSE) Other Deductions From Pay Q. We have several employees who pay medical support for their children. There is rarely a problem deducting for the court-ordered health insurance or the child support. However, when an employee works a short week, it might be impossible to withhold both and stay within the withholding limits. When this happens, is there a standard method of determining the priority between the health insurance and child support? A. There is not a standard process across the board. The priority of types of child support is decided by each state, and that information is available on the OCSE website in the income withholding matrix (https://ocsp.acf.hhs.gov/irg/irgpdf. Type=OGP&groupCode=EMP&addrType=EIW&addrClassType=EMP). Employer symposium takeaways (OCSE) Q. What were the major takeaways from the 2019 Child Support Employer Symposium? A. One big takeaway is that both employers/payroll professionals and child support agencies value their partnership. This was evident based on the attendance - 31 states and 29 employers, along with OCSE representatives and a few vendors. The 2019 Employer Symposium Report is available on OCSE's website. This symposium was a bit different from others. One difference is it was hosted by the National Council of Child Support Directors (NCCSD) and tied to its annual meeting. The NCCSD president, who had attended a few other symposiums, decided he did not want to continue to talk about recommendations but instead identify those 76https://ocsp.acf.hhs.gov/irg/irgpdf.pdf?geoType=OGP&groupCode=EMP&addrType=EIW&addrClassType=EMP https://ocsp.acf.hhs.gov/irg/irgpdf.pdf?geoType=OGP&groupCode=EMP&addrType=EIW&addrClassType=EMP https://www.acf.hhs.gov/css/resource/2019-employer-symposium-report?utm_medium=rss https://www.acf.hhs.gov/css/resource/2019-employer-symposium-report?utm_medium=rss