VOLUMES START WITH CLUSTER EFFICIENCY - CLUSTER EFFICIENCY STARTS WITH ACCESSFRAC® SERVICE. AccessFrac® service promotes higher cluster efficiency to generate a larger hydraulic fracture area. The AccessFrac® intrastage diversion system uses a designed series of treatments separated by a spacer to divert fracturing fluids from initially dominant UNCONVENTIONALS MATURE FIELDS clusters to create new, independent fracture initiations at the non-dominant or lagging clusters in the interval. This treatment system can be applied to every stage in a shale well completion. The result is a larger reservoir drainage area created with a larger access point to the wellbore for higher production volumes. What's your unconventional challenge? For solutions, visit Halliburton.com/AccessFrac Solving challenges.™ © 2014 Halliburton. All rights reserved.http://www.Halliburton.com/AccessFrac http://www.Halliburton.com/AccessFrac