Reports Tejas Tubular Knows the Oilfield Tejas Tubular Products, Inc is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) in the petroleum industry. We offer a complete range of OCTG products serving conventional, offshore and unconventional field projects. Our products lines include production products such as casing, tubing, couplings and production accessories and our proprietary casing and tubing connections provide industry leading premium and semi-premium connections for the most demanding conditions.. Contact us the next time you need high performance connections or API tubulars. e-mail: Web site: Phone:1-800-469-7549 Fax: 281-822-3401 ® TUBULARS TECHNOLOGY 94 | U.S. independent COVER STORY producers are aware of the impact global oil prices have had on drilling activity, as are producers of oil country tubular goods. An ongoing period of adjustment is clouding the near-term outlook, and it may be next spring before inventories come in line with demand requirements. In the meantime, manufacturers and distributors are coping with reduced demand while preparing for the inevitable recovery, mindful that today's low commodity prices are creating the springboard to future increased demand. by Rick W. Preckel and Paul E. Vivian. 102 | Real-Time Dynamics Data Optimize Wolfcamp Drilling by Richard Taylor 109 | OCTG Manufacturers Continue to Innovate by Colter Cookson 117 | Technologies Give Operators New Capabilities FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 50 | Bankers Stay Upbeat on Independent Producer Segment by Gregory DL Morris HORIZONTAL & INNOVATIVE DRILLING 56 | Project Assesses Productivity Impact of Natural Fracturing by Paolo Grossi 69 | Horizontal Refracturing Applications Likely to Grow RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION 70 | "Stress Shadowing" Key to Optimizing Stage Spacing by Ted Dohmen, Jon Jincai Zhang and Jean-Pierre "J.P." Blangy 81 | Better Multiattribute Analysis Reveals Subtle Features by Rocky Roden and Deborah King Sacrey 89 | Broadband 3-D Reshaping Reservoir Characterization by Peter R. Mesdag and Menne D. Schakel COLUMNS 27 | Tech Connections DEPARTMENTS 11 | Calendar 14 | Oil & Gas Counts 16 | Industry Digest 29 | Washington Watch 31 | Market Matters 170 172 176 178 | | | | Computer Currents Industry Focus Classified Advertising Advertisers Index