451 rundays and counting... For an unconventional well, this is exciting. Can your ESP live up to that performance? How many times have you sent a workover rig out to your site to pull your ESP because it as failed? That's too many. Sand is essential to fracking a well. Problem is, after the frack, when you are producing the well, sand will cause havoc for your ESP-and downtime is a killer these days. When the pump goes down, suspended sand and solids in the production tubing string fall back on the pump. Restarting a sand-plugged pump can cause catastrophic harm: Damaging upper stages, causing broken shafts and burning motors. Pump shut downs continue to happen throughout the life of the well and sand is always a concern. SandGuard is a revolutionary tubing-string tool designed to protect your ESP from fallback sand and make rundays a new performance metric. SandGuard lowers your LOE by protecting downhole equipment in sand producing wells and increasing ESP rundays. * Protect your ESP * Stop shutdowns from becoming costly workovers * Completely failsafe To learn more, go to SandGuard.com MultiliftWelltec.com 855-868-4833 SandGuard.com info@multiliftwelltec.comhttp://www.SandGuard.com http://www.MultiliftWelltec.com http://www.SandGuard.com