Summer NAPE is introducing a new format for 2020. Highlights include: ALL-INCLUSIVE REGISTRATION For the same low rate, the Business Conference and new Dealmakers Luncheon are now included with all Summer NAPE attendee registrations. STREAMLINED SCHEDULE The Business Conference will now be held on the trade show floor in conjuction with the Summer NAPE Expo, making education more accessible and convenient. HIGH-PROFILE KEYNOTE SPEAKER Summer NAPE will now open with the new Dealmakers Luncheon featuring a high-profile speaker. The 2020 keynote is political strategist and pundit KARL ROVE. VE RO NAPE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Bringing additional value and industry insights to attendees, a one-year subscription to the quarterly NAPE magazine is included with every registration. Register now at SU MMER NAPE 12-13 AUG 2020 | Houston | GRB Convention Center AT T EN D E X HIB IT SP O NSO R A DV ERTISE NAPEexpo.com