pages 44-51_Layout 1 8/12/2020 10:41 AM Page 49 SpecialReport: Fracturing Technology 80 to 60 bbl/m beginning with stage 12; and ยท Change the order of operations to lead with the AC3H instead of the AC2H. After establishing the second pressure-based fracture map monitor in stage 13 of AC2H, AC3H was allowed to catch and pass AC2H, and it remained ahead throughout the remaining zipper operations with the objective of building a stress barrier to mitigate communication with AP1H. The analysis shows that when AC2H (the deeper of the two wells and located directly below the parent) led in frac order, the induced stress field pushed the shallower AC3H to interact more with AP1H, but the parent still detected pressure changes from both child well fracs. When the shallower well led, it had more communication with the parent, and there was almost no communication between the deeper child and the parent. The parent-well signal returned from stage 7 onward in AC3H. Direct com- TABLE 1 Average Fracture Half-Lengths and Heights for Stages Trailing and Leading in the Completion Order Well Stage Number Average Half-length (ft) Average Height (ft) Leading 1-13 500 284 Trailing 14-46 559 181 AC3H (West) Leading 14-46 528 157 Trailing 1-13 519 188 AC4H (West) Leading 1-28 711 285 Trailing 32-46 814 226 AC2H (East) Completion Order munication signals were observed constantly until stage 12. However, when AC3H passed AC2H in the zipper order, the pressure magnitude dropped significantly at the parent well for both AC2H and AC3H. Only one direct communication response was observed from AC3H stages 13-26. All the other stages had less severe fluid migration and poroelastic responses. Two direct communication responses were observed for AC3H stages 27 and 28 that may be attributed to local geologic features. The other three direct communication responses were observed for AC3H stages 40-42. They most likely can be attributed to lower vertical offset between AP1H and AC3H. By keeping AC3H ahead of AC2H, only one direct communication response was observed at AC2H stage 14. All the other signal magnitudes were below 11 psi. AUGUST 2020 49