The Proof Is In The Performance BLAZE -treated parts can extend the run life of lift equipment by up to ® 5x is a low-friction, abrasion- and corrosion-resistant surface technology that is proven in thousands of installations to extend the run life of a wide range of arti昀cial lift parts. Rod Lift BLAZE ® ESP Lift In the Permian Basin, BLAZE -treated ® sucker rod couplings successfully extended run times in highly deviated wells, eliminating hole-in-tubing issues over a 2-year period. Plunger Lift In East Texas, BLAZE-treated plungers extended the run life of dual pad plungers from 6+ weeks to more than 5+ months, a 4X improvement. In the Powder River Basin, an ESP equipped with BLAZE AR bearings extended run times by more than 5X. Gas Lift In the Bakken, BLAZE-treated mandrels replaced conventional mandrels, which were washing out in 6 months. After 8-1/2 months, the mandrels were in such good shape that they were transferred to another well. ©2023 Endurance Lift Solutions. All rights reserved.