Cumulative Mboe (Mbbl) 800 700 500 600 400 300 200 100 050 100 150 200 250 300 Days Producing By propping fractures that are too small for even 100 mesh to enter, microproppant can significantly improve wells' production, NSI Technologies reports. As an example, the company offers this chart, which compares two micropropped wells targeting the Wolfcamp in the Delaware Basin with two adjacent wells that lack microproppant. 350 400 450 500 550 600 After 575 days the uplift on the two micropropped wells accounts for 160,000 extra BOE. 12.3% Uplift Wolfcamp A Micropropped wells 15.3% Uplift Wolfcamp B ARTICLE REPRINTS Leverage AOGR's communications with professional reprints and e-prints designed with four-color custom presentations! Order a quality reproduction of an article in an organized format with the addition of your advertisement and/or company logo along with other company information. *Available on high gloss 70-80 pound text paper or 100 pound gloss cover stock. We can deliver from 1,000 to 10,000 copies, or more! UNIQUELY INDEPENDENT and For more information and to order reprints, contact: Nora Mota Magill AUGUST 2023 89 Cumulative Mboe (Mbbl)