Powered by Flowco A True Multi-Well Solution Enabling AI-Based Automation or Manually-Set Control Parameters for the Optimized Production of up to 16 Wells The APEX Multi-Well Controller delivers the ability to simultaneously optimize up to 16 wells, while controlling gas lift, plunger lift and GAPL wells with a single controller. Automated process control, from initial start-up and unloading to a patented cycle-skip technology, enable the ideal production optimization process. APEX utilizes world-leading, real-time pressure and temperature monitoring from a single or multi-point downhole gauge. APEX integrates AI technology to optimize according to critical velocity of injection gas and on draw-down of flowing bottom hole pressure. Maximize reservoir recovery in your wells while focusing on reducing operating expenses. For more information reach out to our production specialists: info@flowcosolutions.com www.flowcosolutions.com/apex ®http://www.flowcosolutions.com/apex