CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 38
take the rest of the week off. My wife's comment
was that I wouldn't immediately walk on a
sprained ankle, so why would I think I could
stare at a computer screen for eight hours and
feel okay after a closed head injury? Because
I think I'm tougher than I am? So, I called my
boss to let him know I needed to take time off
and that I was grounding myself from flying
until I would feel better. He agreed with both
my decisions. I also called my student to let her
know we wouldn't be flying that week and that
I'd grounded myself.
I was feeling better the following week and could
make it through the days with only an occasional
minor headache that ibuprofen easily handled. I
had an already scheduled appointment with my
primary care physician, so I waited to talk to him
about resuming flying and any long-term effects
of the head injury. During that visit he told me
that the headaches may continue for a while and
then he asked me what I would do about flying if I
didn't have a head injury but did have a headache.
I replied that I would evaluate my condition on
the day of the flight and if it was affecting me, I
wouldn't fly. He doesn't know about the IMSAFE
checklist but basically told me that common
sense should govern my return to flight. The
headaches have subsided, and I feel good enough
to fly. Now if only the weather would cooperate...
There are two points that I want to relate to
flying in this story. The first is using effective
risk mitigation. Had I chosen to mark the
farthest point and then return to the throwing
line, I would not have been injured. Instead
I thought I was far enough away and had
made a good decision to be off to one side of
the throwing area-but I conned myself into
thinking it was okay when it wasn't. Had I
stopped to think it through a bit more, asked
myself the question if it made sense to be
downrange, and answered with the answer
I know to be right- " no, it doesn't " -again,
we'd be talking about something else. Taking
the extra step to assess the risk and properly
mitigate it is important whether in flying and
teaching or enjoying a fun activity with others.
Slipshod assessment and poor mitigation will
get people hurt.
Second, IMSAFE is a good tool to use. Sure,
I should know that I shouldn't fly with a
headache or taking medication that makes
me drowsy, but going through the acronym
and calling out each point with a realistic
assessment makes it that much easier to answer
yes or no to the question, " Am I fit to fly? " It's on
our Personal Minimums Contracts for a reason
and we teach it to our students and remind our
flight review and IPC clients of that as well.
Be honest with the assessment: If you're not
feeling well enough to fly, don't try to tough it
out. I felt pretty good the Tuesday morning after
the injury but by the afternoon I was ready to
crawl into a hole and pull it in after me. Had I
tried to fly that day, I'm sure I would have had
issues in the air. I'm glad I didn't fly.
And that Scout who threw the log? He went
back and got the log he threw. I'm hoping it's
bound for our next outing and this time will go
into the fire!
John Collins is the AOPA Air Safety Institute's
chief flight instructor and manager of aviation
safety programs. Before joining ASI, John was
AOPA's manager of airport policy. He earned his
flight instructor certificate in 1996 and enjoys
seeing students light up when they put it all
together and nail a maneuver.
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1
CFItoCFI Newsletter—Vol. 12, Issue 1
CFI Notes
From the Editor: What's Your One-Stop Safety Source? Safety Spotlights, Of Course
What Good Flight Training Looks Like—Effective Teaching Delivers Students More Learning, Fun, and Consistency
Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed
Safety Webinars: Proficiency 101—Create Your Personalized Plan for Safe Flight
ASI Message: See Something? Say Something?
CFI News
CFI Tips: Getting Back in the Game
Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs
There I Was...: Power Loss After Takeoff
Chart Challenge: Where the Wildlife Lives
CFI's Point of View: CFIs, Students, and Safety—Mitigating Risks
Accident Case Study: Trapped in Ice
You Can Fly: AFTA to Enhance Your Flight Instructing Experience—A Dynamic Training Tool
Safety Quiz: In-Flight Icing
CFI Tools: Ease Your Students' Mic Fright—Have Them Say It Right!
Chief's Corner: A Knock on the Head—Almost Didn't See It Coming
Runway Safety: Allentown, PA—No Room for a Mistake
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - CFItoCFI Newsletter—Vol. 12, Issue 1
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - CFI Notes
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - From the Editor: What's Your One-Stop Safety Source? Safety Spotlights, Of Course
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 4
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - What Good Flight Training Looks Like—Effective Teaching Delivers Students More Learning, Fun, and Consistency
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 6
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 7
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 8
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Safety Webinars: Hone Your Skills—Be Well-Informed
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Safety Webinars: Proficiency 101—Create Your Personalized Plan for Safe Flight
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - ASI Message: See Something? Say Something?
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 12
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - CFI News
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 14
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 15
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 16
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - CFI Tips: Getting Back in the Game
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 18
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 19
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 20
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Checkride Checklist: DPE Answers for Students and CFIs
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 22
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - There I Was...: Power Loss After Takeoff
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 24
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 25
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Chart Challenge: Where the Wildlife Lives
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - CFI's Point of View: CFIs, Students, and Safety—Mitigating Risks
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 28
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 29
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Accident Case Study: Trapped in Ice
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 31
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - You Can Fly: AFTA to Enhance Your Flight Instructing Experience—A Dynamic Training Tool
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Safety Quiz: In-Flight Icing
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - CFI Tools: Ease Your Students' Mic Fright—Have Them Say It Right!
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 35
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Chief's Corner: A Knock on the Head—Almost Didn't See It Coming
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 37
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - 38
CFI-to-CFI Newsletter - Volume 12 Issue 1 - Runway Safety: Allentown, PA—No Room for a Mistake