yOU CAN FLy #4-HELpS yOUR STUdENTS. How often have you heard of students wondering where they are in their training or what they can do to get ahead in their training? AFTA gives them a clear picture of their progress by showing them exactly which ACS tasks they have mastered and those still to come. And for each lesson, AFTA has resources to help them get ready to perform their best! Best of all, AFTA adapts their lessons based on their previous performance. If they are quickly mastering a skill, it will introduce the next logical maneuver instead of making them repeat the same maneuver over and over like you might find in a traditional program. In other words, a flight training experience adapted to the individual student! Visit to review additional highlights and to register for the program, which is free for CFIs, flight schools, and students who are AOPA members. * Must meet minimum usage requirements Statement on Funding Source: Financial incentives earned by flight schools and instructors through the use of the AOPA Flight Training Advantage (AFTA) have been made possible by generous donors. No AOPA member dues are used to fund or support the AFTA incentive program. Chris Moser is YCF Senior Director of Flight Training Education You Can Fly and the Air Safety Institute are supported by donations to the AOPA Foundation (