CFI NEWS CFI NEWS UPDATED PROCEDURES AND BEST PRACTICES FOR NON-TOWERED AIRPORT FLIGHT OPS The FAA recently published Advisory Circular (AC) 90-66C Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations (cancels AC 90-66B CHG 1) to reflect current procedures and best practices at airports without an operating control tower or an airport with a control tower that operates only part-time. Review the AC. NEW VFR CHARTING CHANGES FOR WIND TURBINES The FAA's Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) has begun implementing charting enhancements to sectional aeronautical charts, VFR terminal area charts, and helicopter route charts to more clearly depict the location of wind turbine farms. This change has also been published in the Aeronautical Chart User's Guide. Read more about wind turbines in this issue's Chart Challenge: Farming Electricity With Wind Turbines. NTSB UPDATES ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION DATABASE The National Transportation Safety Board has updated CAROL (Case Analysis and Reporting Online), the database for NTSB investigations, as Click on the multimedia icon to watch the video. Join the AOPA Pilot Community-Become an AOPA member today Did you know AOPA is part of the General Aviation Joint Safety Committee? Many of the news articles in this section speak of general aviation industry and safety advances that AOPA is deeply involved in. Let's move the needle together to support general aviation growth, innovation, and safety. Already an AOPA member? Please log in for an enhanced experience at well as aviation investigation search functions on CAROL now includes an expanded aviation dataset for information on investigations from 1962 to present, agency officials said. Learn more. SEAPLANE PILOTS RAISE GEAR ON POSITIVE RATE The Seaplane Pilots Association created a video course that aims to instill an unfailing habit of raising landing gear immediately after every hardsurface takeoff in any amphibious aircraft. Learn more.