TECHNIQUE SPIN TRAINING Learn to let go » By Ian J. Twombly ILLUSTRATIONS BY CHARLES FLOYD FEARED BY STUDENTS everywhere, spins are simply stalls with yaw. The recovery is easy if done correctly, and the airspeeds are slow and comfortable. What can be scary to some is that the airplane is corkscrewing to the Earth at a rate of around 200 degrees of rotation per second. In most training airplanes, positive control is required to both place and keep an airplane in a spin—which means that doing nothing and letting go can be a better technique than holding a death grip on the controls. One thing is clear: If you get comfortable spinning with a good instructor in a controlled environment, you will become a safer, more confident pilot forever. AN UNEVEN STALL CAUSES A SPIN With a rotation rate of 200 degrees per second and a descent rate of 7,500 feet per minute an airplane will take 1.8 seconds to do a full rotation and will lose 225 feet. 1.8 seconds/ 225 feet OUTSIDE INSIDE FOR A SPIN TO HAPPEN both wings must be stalled, but one must be stalled more than the other. The inside wing is in a deeper stall, and usually gets there thanks to adverse yaw. 42 / FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORGhttp://FLIGHTTRAINING.AOPA.ORG